Link Building to Increase Your Authority in Google

By Curtis on Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Do the “Big Guys” in your industry own page one in Google when you type in your top keyword(s)? Are five or six websites on page one of Google national sites and only four or five local sites? What happened to the advantage of using keyword search phrases using geographic limiting terms like city or town?

The national websites are taking over the local search results like “Omaha Painter”. What can you do to boost your page rank and authority? Link building. Link building is one of the primary SEO techniques critical to helping your website grow organically. However, there are legitimate ways to build links and illegal practices in the eyes of search engines that can seriously harm your website and business. If you need help instituting a legitimate Link Building strategy that works for your website, contact Boom Consulting. We’ve been doing this for a decade and understand how the technology has evolved. We also don’t over promise and under deliver.

While the quantity of inbound links is important, quality is also a major factor in search engines algorithm. We at Boom Consulting preach and follow the guidelines of Google and major search engines for the best SEO results, which means no paid links and finding authority websites to link to your website. The Better Business Bureau is the perfect example of a website that can help lend authority to your website. Here's a good read about "the best link you may be missing".

Tagged: Advice, Link Building
Filed in: SEO
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